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- 11/30/99 02:24:03

great site.- gotta say something, both political cartoons in "books/mags" section are done by the same guy, Tom Toles(I know its anal, but it says that the cartoons are done by a 'couple of cartoonists' but its only one guy.

Rita - 11/05/99 13:39:19
My Email:RM0531@aol.com
Favorite Section at the Archive: Modified Mag Covers

Wonderfully done! I'll be looking forward to new additions! I suffered a severe case of Deja Vu when I saw the "Miss Jimmy Olson" pages! (I remember waiting in anticipation for it to be released!)Thanks so much for posting it completely! I'm a big fan, Rita

- 11/02/99 22:15:14

You missed the superboy one when red kryponite makes him a girl and ma kent changes his uniform...

Rhonda Wagram - 11/02/99 17:39:35
My Email:Rhondwagrm@aol.com

It's a wonderful site, I'll come back for more,some very funny stuff!

- 10/28/99 04:50:41

does anyone know where I could acquire a good video where a man is transformed into a beautiful woman and thus becomes a lesbian?

Kunou - 10/27/99 21:10:22
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/kunoudan/
My Email:dbetts@papadocs.com
Favorite Section at the Archive: All of it!

Great job! I absolutely love this page, especially the Mantra section. Good to see that someone else likes Mantra pre-"Black September"! :)

Chris - 10/16/99 19:54:56
My Email:sammydc@hotmail.com
Favorite Section at the Archive: Snarf Quest

MORE! God how I love Snarf Quest!! Never laughed so hard in all my life. My wife threw out my Dragon Magazine collection and I have been trying to replace it (without taking out a 2nd mortgage) and am missing Snarf something awful. If you know of anyone who has Snarf on-line please let me know. Thanks

Keera - 10/12/99 01:12:02
My Email:Keera@mindspring.com

You may what to check out a old electronic game that was put out by Philips called "Burn Cycle" it's like Blade Runner except that you play the male who has been infected with a virus into your brain and you have several hours to find a cure. Along the way you can become a woman in order to find a clue.

"bob" - 10/03/99 20:25:51

this is kind of sick........

Mr. B - 09/29/99 01:54:56
My URL:http://www.badjack.com
My Email:brad@badjack.com
Favorite Section at the Archive: the last update

The morph you did was great! I really enjoyed it! Very well done!

beatles - 09/24/99 20:29:35
My Email:wlcj@uol.com.,br

you page the best of the wold, i'm from the brasil and you page the best , beste,best,best, UPDATE PLEASE, UPDATE, THE LAST 12/09/99 MORE UPDATE MY FVORITE IS Shade, the Changing Man, AND PLEASE MORE UPDATE.

TGgraphics Fan - 09/19/99 16:07:45
Favorite Section at the Archive: Comic books

I've been searching for that Femforce issue for over a year. Thanks for giving us a few images. Would it be asking too much if you could show a few more? Also Femforce #86 shows a wizards possession of a woman which I haven't been able to locate either Interestingly the most prolific comic characters to go through the tg experience have yet to be shown, meaning Deadman and the golden age Plasticman.

Naga - 09/11/99 07:32:21
My URL:http://artist.transfur.com/naga
My Email:naga_snake@hotmail.com
Favorite Section at the Archive: The ones with the pictures.

Very nice page, well done and easy to navigate. And perhaps the greatest compliment of them all, A frame that's not iritating! Can't wait for the next update.

Claire Burnside - 09/07/99 22:48:25
My URL:http://USABrn.aol.com
My Email:USAbrn@aol.com
Favorite Section at the Archive: Modified pictures

Good afternoon my new friends, Your archive is in several ways very entertaining. I have always been interested in the trangender genre, especially in regard to men getting a taste of our lives and our troubles. and the modified pictures you've done are a absolute riot. your site was well worth bookmarking and continued visits

tina browning - 08/20/99 20:13:53
My Email:timothytitus@hotmail.com
Favorite Section at the Archive: Fiction/Guest Comments

Hi, Beautiful souls ! Am still feeling (like) a newcomer on the Web, but each day something new and wonderful seems to surprise and grab my heart/mind. The heartmind is the seat of Tina; her brother Tim is much less 'in touch' and remains conflicted over gender- based soc al conventions, plus his own 'outsider' sensibility, which keeps imploding... This first time I'll just say Helo to all, and then absorb the recent comments -- For a taste of my taste, since Spring I've often been putting short reviews on FicMania stories, while improving my own fiction and memoir drafts. Thanks to all who eng ge their energies and dreams upon these ethereal Waves !! Tina B.

Joyce Chiasson - 08/16/99 20:29:58
Favorite Section at the Archive: Comic Books

I really love the TG section in the comics. I also like the altered strips and everything else. I wonder if you have run across a Jetson comic that had a strange switch in it. Elroy was Jane and Jane was Astro. It was pretty cool

Anne O'Muss - 08/12/99 20:01:39
My Email:anne_muss@hotmail.com
Favorite Section at the Archive: The variety, all of them

Great updates. This site has quickly become my favorite images site. It easily wins the honor with quality, an eclectic collection and timely updates. Please post updates on the Desparate Times comic strip as it unfolds. It is a pretty funny strip and a theme I haven't seen before in that medium.

Flagg - 08/04/99 04:40:01
Favorite Section at the Archive: What's not to like?

Yeah, great site, glad to see you've spent so much time into creating it. Gotta watch out for Geocities though.. they may come down on you for content. I'm hoping that never happens. You should try checking out the anime Reirei. It had some interesting boy-girl transformations in it. Anyhoo, thanks for the money and effort you put into this.

c-man - 08/01/99 17:01:23
My Email:jlennon16@yahoo.com
Favorite Section at the Archive: all

Need to update more!!

Weirdo - 07/18/99 20:54:23
Favorite Section at the Archive: The recaptioned pictures, comic books, RPGs and strips

Man, you have a VERY good site, but you could update it more times to make it better.

Martin Ludington - 07/17/99 13:14:50
My Email:stxludington@worldnet.att.net

Really enjoy your site. I keep checking for additions. Thank you!

DAVID - 07/17/99 09:57:59
My Email:DAVID.BARBAUD@wanadoo.fr
Favorite Section at the Archive: comic book

Very nice site, but not to often updated!! i'm starving of new pics, strips and books! and what about TG stories all in pictures! it would be great!

rhodie - 07/17/99 02:14:05
My Email:mrbearesq@netscape.net
Favorite Section at the Archive: The comics

I'm wish you had a few more pictures of the Aladdin/Jasmine swap. Alsomore on the werewoman comic on the same page. . .

luis - 07/04/99 18:00:24
Favorite Section at the Archive: COMICS

I think your site is great, I especiallly like comics page, but I was wondering if you could put a few more pages of Aladin & Jasmine issue 8. I think it would help a little more. Thank you

Diane - 06/29/99 11:20:42
Favorite Section at the Archive: none


Black Sheep - 06/26/99 22:50:08
Favorite Section at the Archive: The scope and enthusiasm

I love the site - well presented and with much to browse around, a bit of a breath of fresh air really... Good luck and keep the standard up! BS.

Urululu - 06/24/99 09:27:21
Favorite Section at the Archive: Modified Comic Covers

These are the funniest art things I've seen in a while. It must have been really trippy to tv back when society was less androgenized, not to mention illegal and a sin!

cjwenhurst - 06/23/99 17:41:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Labyrinth/1926
My Email:cjwenhurst@hotmail.com
Favorite Section at the Archive: all

Great site. Nicely done. Some of the new link are broken (fyi). Thanks for having ME included. cjw

al - 06/20/99 02:19:14
My Email:alan124@hotmail.com
Favorite Section at the Archive: comic books

graphic transmutation is the best part of tg watching an artist give his renditon of what a change would actually be like. keep up the excellent work !!!!!

Starhawk - 06/19/99 17:11:24
My Email:ncouch@mail.airmail.net
Favorite Section at the Archive: Modified

One of the best new TG sites on the net. I look forward to seeing more updates real soon. I hope you will find more of the modified magazine covers like Fashion Reporter or Wartime Transvestites. Great stuff!

Beverly C - 06/17/99 22:31:43
Favorite Section at the Archive: ALL!!!

This is one of the best sites i have ever seen on this subjectit is on the same great level as the BEARCHIVE and the TSA ...just fantastic :-)

Natalie B. - 06/16/99 15:43:15
Favorite Section at the Archive: comic books & strips

They're wrong. Size does matter, so please, please, please make it bigger! You have a super site with lots of new material and I think you have the record for being added to my Favorites. Hugs!

C.C. - 06/16/99 15:33:18


Martin - 06/15/99 16:51:09
My Email:stxludington@worldnet.att.net
Favorite Section at the Archive: comic books

Very enjoyable web site. Neat viewing.

ran_chan - 06/15/99 16:40:26
My Email:ran_chan99@yahoo.com
Favorite Section at the Archive: Comic Books

Great site.

Sharonna - 06/14/99 23:02:01
My Email:sixthbn@aol.com
Favorite Section at the Archive: Comic books

When will the separate Mantra site be up?

bungdoh - 06/13/99 16:11:12
My Email:saveontexts@angelfire.com
Favorite Section at the Archive: Comic Books

Terrific job!! Um, that's about it.

Anne-Mal - 06/09/99 00:09:33
My Email:anne_mal@my-deja.com
Favorite Section at the Archive: Too much to choose from!

Excellent Site! I hope you are having fun doing it! Nice to see the stories from National Lampoon! BTW I do remember another one of possible interest, it was called "Stacked Like Me". A Parody of "Black Like Me". A male reporter gets hormone treatments to become a buxom blonde, so he can write an article about the experience! Anyway, well done!

Troy - 06/08/99 15:05:26
Favorite Section at the Archive: rpg and modified

more rpg stuff and more modified. Can't wait for the next update. V.C. site

MrBug2 - 06/04/99 18:36:52
My Email:MrBug2@aol.com
Favorite Section at the Archive: Comics

I just can't stay away! Just a few more comments... RE: Mantra -- I seem to recall that shortly after reincarnating as a woman, Lukasz had to use 'feminine wiles' on a policeman. Additionally, the early scenes of his getting used to his new femininity are pretty good. I hope to see more of them here. Additional Suggestions: Tsubasa from the Ranma comic - Originally believed to be an extremely cute girl with lesbian leanings, (s)he turns out to be a heterosexual young boy who likes to dress in women's clothes. A very funny storyline. (I don't have the issue # on me at the mo ent, sorry.) Plastic Man - I finally snagged a copy of the Plastic Man archives which collected the first twenty issues of Police Comics in hardcover. Apparently Plas went in for disguise quite a lot in the old days and more than once impersonated a beautiful woman. (This is in the GCFL, as well.) Judge Dredd/Lobo Crossover ('Psycho Bikers vs. the Mutants from Hell) has a shapeshifting character named Morf. In a two page sequence, he is shown reshaping his body to resemble a young, buxom nanny in order to get close to the richest boy on earth. (O ce again, it's in the GCFL and I'm just confirming it's coolness.) Anyway, please keep up the good work and I'll continue to check in as often as I can!

Terry - 06/04/99 17:28:26
My Email:tcbrow1@pop.uky.edu
Favorite Section at the Archive: The Entire Thing

I really enjoy visiting this site!!!

TfMaster - 05/31/99 15:51:14
My URL:http://artists.transfur.com/tfmaster
My Email:tfmaster@transfur.com
Favorite Section at the Archive: Comics

I have a little site with some TF images...

Diana Long - 05/31/99 00:28:44
My Email:dlong9@compuserve.com
Favorite Section at the Archive: I can't choose!

THE best site I've come across in two years. I'm blown away!

Paula - 05/30/99 22:43:56

Why did the archive give me a new first name of "Erica" (unless this is a conspiracy on the part of "Eric", our nemesis from over on Fictionmania!)

- Paula (not "Erica Paula")

Paula Eagan - 05/30/99 22:41:57
My Email:teegeescribe@hotmail.com
Favorite Section at the Archive: all of them!

Jenny, Terrific site, hon! I was wondering if anyone would ever get around to posting those two National Lampoon classics, "My Penis" and "My Vagina". Just great! Please keep up the good work! - Paula

SilkSatin - 05/29/99 02:30:00
My URL:http://beaver-creek.porncity.net/777/silksati.htm
My Email:Sandra.Knight@SoftHome.Net
Favorite Section at the Archive: Modified

What a wonderful place to view TransGender material. I laughed out loud when I read "My Penis". I was breathless over the Jeckyll and Hyde photo-spread. Thank you, Jenny for working so hard on this creative and exciting site. Let's make "Transgender Histo y" as well as collecting it. SilkSatin

adz - 05/28/99 14:56:22
My Email:adz_a@hotmail.com
Favorite Section at the Archive: comic books

I love your works keep it up

Sapphire - 05/28/99 06:59:25
My URL:http://www.sapphireplace.com
My Email:sapphire@taconic.net

Don't know why you gestbook gave me a new first name of Erica. While it's nice, I'll just stick with just "Sapphire"......

Sapphire - 05/28/99 06:56:11
My URL:http://www.sapphireplace.com
My Email:sapphire@taconic.net
Favorite Section at the Archive: All Of IT!

A wonderful site! Well put together and growing SOOO FAST! Love the whole thing, and I will tell all I know about it! Sapphire

Sharonna - 05/28/99 02:13:59
My Email:sixthbn@aol.com
Favorite Section at the Archive: Comic Strips

What an unexpected treat this site is! Literally can't wait to see the additional Mantra URL. Have my local comics shop looking for the old Mantra issues! Great work!

Ray - 05/27/99 15:58:37
My Email:grosporina@hotmail.com
Favorite Section at the Archive: All of it.

Good site. Loved the information, particuarly on Mantra. Keep it up.

pupdude - 05/26/99 19:08:38
Favorite Section at the Archive: all of it

totally awesome

Mary Sweeny - 05/26/99 13:18:34
My Email:Mary_Sharon@hotmail.com
Favorite Section at the Archive: the whole thing!

You have an amazing site, Jenny! Thanks so much for your hard work. I know I'll be a frequent visitor, and I look forward to seeing it grow. Hugs, Mary

Emma B. - 05/25/99 20:00:28
My Email:emma@tgforum.com
Favorite Section at the Archive: All Of It!

What a gem of a site. Beautifully put together, easy to navigate, and containing a lot of material that I haven't seen elsewhere.WOW!! Love n Kisses, Emma

Troy - 05/25/99 12:40:14
Favorite Section at the Archive: Modified

with the new modified section, this is quickly becoming one of my fave places to visit...update modified soon....thanx

Lana Morris - 05/24/99 00:13:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/Heights/8710/scifi.html
My Email:lana@hotmail.com
Favorite Section at the Archive: Do I have to choose?

Whoa! Fantastic site! Makes mine look like a "junkie old attic!" What fun. So many things, so little time. Thanks and please keep it up!

MrBug2 - 05/23/99 23:30:36
My Email:MrBug2@aol.com
Favorite Section at the Archive: Comic Strips, Comic Books

This is really great! There's stuff here that I've only read about in the GCFL! Thanks for putting this together, it's wonderful..

Darkside - 05/23/99 20:01:21
My Email:Darkside@nym.alias.net

Excellent site. Now we have this site for images and Mindy's for stories and what a combination!. I can't guess at how long it took you to put all the images together, but it's well worth the time you spent. THANK YOU.

Erica - 05/22/99 18:52:46
My Email:erica3001@hotmail.com
Favorite Section at the Archive: Comic Strip

Great page!!! Incredible!!! Keep updating!!! Please, I would like to see more of Yukio/Yukiyo, the Werewoman!!!

JDG - 05/20/99 21:19:00
My Email:captwbstr@nut-n-but.net
Favorite Section at the Archive: the comic books

Easily the finest collection I have found on the net (or anywhere for that matter). I commend you on all the hard work it must have taken. You have given us all a wonderful gift here. Congratulations. JDG

Sarah-Wade - 05/19/99 21:59:27
My Email:MandoGrrl@hotmail.com

Cool collection, but I think you missed a few comics and rpg things I've seen. Well, actually, there aren't any *transformations* with most of these characters, but I think most of them are kewl, anyway> "Sam" Neville comic: Baker Street 1-10 Actually, it isn't untill issue six that you find out that detective Sharon Ford's (as in Sherrinford Holmes. get it?) irritable lesbian lover is a cross-living male. Sam is also a former member of Sisters, a punker street gang composed of women and M2F trannys. Marissa Rahm comic: Deathwish miniseries 1-4 Marissa is the lead charator in this strip as well as being Dakota PDs only pre-op TS detective. Futaba Aoi comic: You're Under Arrest #2 on Aoi-chan used to be a decoy on an anti-rape squad. This required dressing as a girl. He liked it so much that he now lives as one. Kate "Coagula" Godwin comic: Doom Patrol 2nd series, #68 on The first and so far only post-op transexual superheroine. Fritz Kruger comic: Desert Peach #22 In this issue the 497ths terrible tempered cook is revealed to be a woman. See also issue #8 which as the Peach and his orderly Udo shipped off to England as a pair of lady spies. and lastly, the Wu Keng from White Wolf's Mage game Book of Crafts. The Wu Keng are an order of Chinese mages that is composed entirely of men who live as women. Hope you enjoy them

Diana Howe - 05/19/99 16:10:35
My Email:dianahowe@home.com
Favorite Section at the Archive: The overall layout

One of the finest sites of it's kind.. keep up the good work

peter - 05/18/99 18:04:47
My Email:hermus@wirehub.nl
Favorite Section at the Archive: All the pictures

Great site never saw so many TG comics

Jennifer - 05/18/99 17:33:03
My Email:JMill470@aol.com
Favorite Section at the Archive: The whole thing!!

I just wanted to say thank you for great new site. It's most certainly a welcome and appreciated addition to the TG Fan community. Great graphics, great content . . . Bravo!!

Troy - 05/17/99 23:27:21
Favorite Section at the Archive: rpg

interesting rpg stuff...hope to see more stuff soon

Kelli - 05/17/99 22:54:46
My Email:Kelli121@excite.com
Favorite Section at the Archive: ALL OF IT!

I love this site keep up the good work. I will check back reguraly it might be helpful if you had a date updated thing on the main page, just a sugestion. Anyway keep up the good work.

Andi Foster - 05/17/99 13:09:20
My Email:andrea.foster@ibm.net
Favorite Section at the Archive: Comic Books

Interesting content, smart text, VERY cool look. Love it! Andi.

turnabout - 05/17/99 07:13:55
My Email:turnabout@yahoo.com

Cool stuff! Excellent scans and to-the-point commentary. Keep up the good work and congratulations on a four-star site! I will be back regularly!

TG Comicsfan - 05/17/99 02:31:45
Favorite Section at the Archive: Comics (Duh!)

A very heartfelt thank you for sharing your collection with the rest of us deprived TG comics fans. I like your format. Keep it simple, don't waste time and space on fancy graphics and effects. I'd make a suggestion as to what I'd like to see next but hat's not necessary. Just keep sharing the stuff you enjoy. Once again, thanks loads.

Chrissy - 05/17/99 00:03:51
Favorite Section at the Archive: Comics

Very nice site indeed. I can see myself coming back to it again and again.

Eddie Glover - 05/16/99 19:16:12
My Email:eglover@nemonet.com
Favorite Section at the Archive: comic books

A great TG site with some good material and some things I've never been able to find. Keep up the fine work!

Stu Foster - 05/16/99 10:47:44
My Email:stuart@gto.net.om
Favorite Section at the Archive: comic books

Great site, was up til 2-30am my time following the links, now can't wait for more.Especially the Mantra stuff. Can't wait to see that site as well keep it up

Stu Foster - 05/16/99 10:47:00
My Email:stuart@gto.net.om
Favorite Section at the Archive: comic books

Great site, was up til 2-30am my time following the links, now can't wait for more.Especially the Mantra stuff. Can't wait to see that site as well keep it up

Funglius - 05/16/99 10:31:00

Wow....just wow. I thought that most of the sites out there were comprehensive. Then I found yours. So many pieces that I thought I'd never see....all sitting here.

Julie - 05/16/99 09:36:27
My Email:julie.d2@bigfoot.com

A great new web site, enjoyed the stories and spent 2 hours following the links. I shall be back in the future.

Paul1954 - 05/16/99 06:51:32
My Email:Paul1954@btinternet.com

Encouraging start - Really enjoyed what I've seen so far.

Steve Zink - 05/16/99 00:38:49
My Email:szink22446@aol.com
Favorite Section at the Archive: Comic Books

Thanks for the alert about the new site. It looks fantastic, neat and orderly. The comic scans i saw were great, and I can't wait to see more. I have a huge volume of TG comic related stories if you want any.

Jessique - 05/15/99 21:39:16
My Email:jessique@colorado-springs.crosswinds.net
Favorite Section at the Archive: Pictures

You've got a great site! I've always loved the King Arthur legend, and seeing Camelot 3000 brought back some nice memories. Loved the Dr. Jekyll/Ms. Hyde pics too.Can't wait to see more.

CK1 - 05/15/99 21:12:18
Favorite Section at the Archive: Pictures

Great site. I love the Jekyll and Hyde pics best, so far. I haven't gotten through much yet, but I am very impressed with what you've done. Keep up the good work !

Stephanie Beth - 05/15/99 20:17:10
My Email:Stephybeth@hotmail.com
Favorite Section at the Archive: Fiction

Welcome! Congratulations on a great site with a lot of promise; it's already in my "favorites" right out of the chute.

patti Barton - 05/15/99 19:35:00
My Email:pattibart@aol.com
Favorite Section at the Archive: Just about All

Great new site ... Thank You for all you effort .. Oh, I just thought that this site would be a great place for those wishing to add graphic and pictures to their stories to use !! 'Pictures just a "click" away !!! Thank You


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